Monday, 12 September 2011

AS Media Blog Re-Evaluation

Looking back over my AS blog I realised how little effort i put in and how badly I managed my time throughout the year. I think I cared too much about what my blog looked like and less about the quality and quantity of the content. Also instead of equally distributing my work across the blog and the 2 minute film my group and I made I spent most of my time just working on the film. This led me to leave all my blog work until the last minute and so it wasn't done to the best of my ability. 
I also think I should have made my blog on Blogger as apposed to Wix because the effects and the fact you could build your own website distracted me and made me think I was doing a lot more work than I was.

The grade i received for AS media has made me determined to do put in a lot of effort and hopefully improve my grade for A2. Things I can do to achieve this are:
  • Make a timeline for when everything needs to be done and stick to it.
  • Create blog posts at least three times a week and post about anything significant to my work.
  • Show a good amount of detail in each of my blog posts.

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