Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Album Back Cover Analysis

"The xx"'s back cover to their album, like the brand they have created, is very simple and so we thought we'd do something similar to contrast with the front of the album cover which is busy (compared with the bands usual look). We thought that the back cover shouldn't have too much detail, as it should focus on the song titles and they should be the only detail to stand out.

Here is the back cover to "The xx"'s current album "xx":

As I said, it is incredibly simple and the only thing that stands out are the song titles. This reinforces the point that "The xx" are all about their music and nothing should distract their audience away from that.
Although most of our work so far has been contrasting with "The xx"'s usual simplicity, we thought that for this particular part of the digipak, we could bring it back to basics and make the back cover all about the music. 
Our version of the back cover will be in my next post.

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